What Is Body Contouring?
Body contouring refers to non-surgical and surgical treatments designed to tighten loose skin, eliminate stubborn fat, and improve definition through different techniques and technologies.
These treatments are designed to accomplish what the healthiest diet and strictest exercise routine often cannot. Patients who want to complement a healthy lifestyle and take their results to the next level can undergo one or more body contouring treatments to achieve natural and lasting results.

Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that eliminates stubborn fat cells from different body areas to create new and improved contours and add definition to certain areas.
Stubborn fat is resistant to even the healthiest diet and exercise routine, so patients who want to permanently eliminate those stubborn fat cells can undergo a liposuction treatment plan to address one or more problem areas. This procedure can eliminate fat cells from virtually anywhere on the body, and patients can undergo the treatment to address one or several areas.
How It Works
During a liposuction procedure, after numbing the area, an incision is made in the skin, and a cannula is inserted into the area to gently suction the fat cells from the area. We use different techniques and 360 lipo to contour and sculpt the area and ensure the best results. After your treatment, we provide aftercare instructions to ensure a quick recovery.
Who It’s Right For
A liposuction treatment plan can help patients who want to immediately and permanently remove stubborn fat cells from one or more body areas. Patients must be in good health before the procedure, avoid smoking before and after, and understand that permanent results rely on a commitment to a healthy lifestyle and consistent exercise routine.
Treating Gynecomastia
Not only can liposuction help patients redefine their bodies, but it’s also an effective option for males suffering from gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is a condition in which excess fat and tissue in the breasts prevent men from feeling confident in their appearance. When lifestyle changes cannot make a difference in the appearance of the area, liposuction can and will improve patient confidence.
CoolTone® is a body contouring treatment that improves muscle definition in the abdomen, glutes, and thighs. During a 30-minute treatment session, the device will stimulate intense muscle contractions to improve definition, tone, and strength.
How It Works
CoolTone® uses Active Magnetic Pulse™ Technology to stimulate muscles in the target area into powerful contractions. These contractions are so powerful that even during the most intense workout, your brain could never communicate to your muscles to exhibit that kind of strength.
Most patients can achieve the desired results within four to eight treatments, scheduled within two to four weeks. Maintenance treatment can ensure long-lasting results, as can a commitment to a healthy diet and regular exercise routine.
Who It’s Right For
Patients looking for improved muscle definition are good candidates for a CoolTone®. An initial consultation will give you more information about this treatment, how it works, and how it can help you reach your goals.
CoolSculpting® Elite
CoolSculpting® Elite is a non-invasive body contouring device that uses extremely cold temperatures to target stubborn fat in various body areas. It can eliminate stubborn fat resistant to diet and exercise without surgical or invasive techniques, including stubborn fat on the jawline, arms, legs, back, inner and outer thighs, abdomen, and chin.
How It Works
CoolSculpting® Elite delivers controlled cooling to freeze fat cells in the patient’s target area. The freezing process leads to cell death, and the body responds to the treatment by flushing these dead fat cells from the system. As it does, patients notice gradual results, a decrease in total fat volume, and a more defined and contoured body.
Once the body eliminates those fat cells, they can’t return, and new ones can’t replace them. However, any remaining fat cells may expand if patients gain weight after the treatment, so maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an important part of sustaining long-term results.
Who It’s Right For
CoolSculpting® Elite is an effective treatment for patients who want to eliminate stubborn fat from one or more body areas through a non-invasive treatment that doesn’t require downtime.
Patients who aren’t seeing their desired results from diet and exercise and want to undergo an effective treatment that’s a non-surgical alternative to liposuction make good candidates for CoolSculpting® Elite. An initial consultation will give you more details about this treatment process and what results you can expect and confirm your treatment eligibility.
Morpheus8 Body
Morpheus8 Body is a version of the popular RF microneedling treatment specifically tailored to tighten the skin in different body areas. The device is equipped with 40 gold-coated needles that create injuries in the skin while simultaneously delivering radiofrequency energy to the dermal layers.
The treatment can correct skin laxity, tighten loose skin, smooth wrinkles resulting from natural collagen or elastin loss due to aging, or tighten skin after weight loss. This device can meet the needs of patients who want to improve their definition by tightening loose skin virtually anywhere on their body.
How It Works
The Morpheus8 Body device stimulates natural collagen and elastin production by reaching up to eight millimeters beyond the skin’s surface to deliver radiofrequency heat energy to the area. Before the treatment, we’ll apply a topical numbing cream to your skin and then use the device to create micro-injuries on the skin’s surface while uniformly heating the target area to stimulate increased collagen and elastin production.
The treatment may cause an instant contraction of existing collagen, but the most noticeable results will become evident in the weeks following the treatment as the body responds with a significant increase in collagen and elastin production.
Who It’s Right For
The treatment provides an effective, safe, and non-surgical solution for men and women with loose skin in different body areas who want to tighten and tone the area naturally without an invasive procedure. Patients with healthy skin, free of active breakouts or infections, typically qualify for treatment.
An initial consultation is the best way to learn more about this treatment and determine whether it’s the right body contouring treatment for you. Morpheus8 Body treatments can also be paired with other body contouring treatments for enhanced results.
Learn More
If you want to achieve specific body goals that your exercise routine and diet have yet to be able to help you reach, we can design a treatment plan with one or more of these effective procedures so that you can fine-tune your physique and enjoy the results long-term.